
Welcome to my Podcast Scenografiska köket - Scenography Kitchen! You find in on Podbean and Spotify


Below you will find also my 2018 scenography diary, started as a way to focus on scenography in a hectic academic context. The task was to write something every day, no matter how tired I was. The resulting scenographic poetics is still with me. August 1, 2023, I started writing diary posts again, because scenography research needs dedicated awareness, in terms of langue, outreach, and - why not - love. 

Day 83-86. Reading and preparing for upcoming scenograpy & art history workshop (15-17 November). At the same time, intense working process with 'Free Culture' exhibition at the Library. Making and playing, scenographing across time and space, group work, enjoying it. Opening is tomorrow. Picture from today, me and Micke as 'the Persuaders or...

Making history


Day 82. Working at the library with Mikael Strömberg on the upcoming exhibition. A few days (and nights) to go. Now laborating with small circles...and a lot of other stuff! Great feeling to visualize the expansion and diversity...

Day 81. Evening. Relaxing. Swedish televison broadcasting Marvellous scenographic work in The Florence Foster Jenkins Story (2016). Double exposure, high camp, tactile, respectful, lovely.

Autumn leaves


Day 77. Saturday morning. Autumn leaves. The ways they scenograph. I say no more.



Day 76. Working in the exhibition space. We are making a large scale timeline. It will hopefully be a powerful device, facilitating time and space travel.

Day 75. Anon. Shades of grey. All is tagged. "Anonymity is the enemy". Nightmare staged, so much of it is real, here already.



Day 74. Travelling home. Train not delayed. Presented "Scenographing Strindberg" yesterday in Stockholm as part of a great group of scholars. All the thinking, all the work, where does it really go? Lisa Söderberg came, Ylva Sommerland came, so happy to see them. So much audience. So much party.